Secretary: The Secretary is the Administrative head of the Department having absolute authority of supervision and control over all affairs of the Department and all decisions thereof. He is the Appellate Authority of Right to Information Act, 2005 with regard to the Land Revenue Department. All files are submitted to him for his approval and if any changes are to be made, Secretary will send back the file with suggestions for resubmission after making necessary correction/rectification as suggested. In routine office works the final decision is taken by the Secretary.

Additional Secretary: The Addl. Secretary has Administrative functions in the Department. All files and daks go through the Addl. Secretary of the branch and after going through the files, Addl. Secretary will give the clear picture of the subject matter and will put up the file to higher authority for final decision.

Under Secretary: The Under Secretary has Administrative functions and is the Public Information Officer (PIO) of the Department. All files and daks go through Under Secretary of the branch and after going through the files, Under Secretary will give the clear picture of the subject matter and will put up the file to higher authority for final decision.

Section Officer: Section Officer is the branch superintendent who supervises and controls the working system of the whole branch and maintains the attendance of the staff in the branch and also to ensure the smooth functioning of its work. The Section Officer also acts as the Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) of the Department.

Secretariat Assistant/LDA: They examine and process all the papers and cases received from the Department and also maintain files. They also look after receipts and dispatch of daks etc.

Typist: Concerned with all typing works of the Department.

Peon: They act as assistants in the branch in delivering files, messages and information.


Director: – The Director is the Head of the Department having absolute Authority of supervision and control over all Affairs of the Directorate and all decisions thereof. He is vested with the delegation of Financial and Cognate Power, Rules 1964 as Amended from time to time. It is his prerogative to delegate any of the above mentioned powers to his Subordinates. He is the Appellate Authority of Right to Information Act 2005 in regard to the Directorate of Land Records and Survey. The Director is the over all in charge of Adm. and Policy matters/Confidential matters and all other works not  specifically allotted to any other Officers.

Additional Director:- The Additional Director is the Second in command of the Directorate. He functions as Head of Department in absence of the Director and looks after General Administration and Establishment. The Additional Director oversees all Technical matters within the State & outside State/Supervision of C.S.S Schemes/Drawing and Disbursing (DDO)/Matters relating to Acts Rules and Court Cases, Border Affairs/ NLRMP Cell

Joint Director:- The Joint Director is in charge of all State Plan Schemes/ Assembly              Question/ RTI/Preparation of Speeches etc.

Deputy Director:- There are three Deputy Directors in the Directorate.

a) One Deputy Director is in- charge of Store Procurement of Instrument/Equipment & its maintenance/ Establishment/ Training Programme outside and within Nagaland/ All Technical works and its Planning/ Boundary Affairs under the Supervision of Addl. Director.
b) Another Deputy Director is Nodal Officer relating to Departmental/Protocol matter with Government/ Civil Works/ Building, Land & properties of Department.

Registrar: –   Registrar co-ordinates the Files transaction, keeps and maintains important Office Records, Supervises and ensure safety of Records. Registrar ensures regularity and attendance of the staff. The Registrar is in charge of Stationary/ Supervision of all matters relating to Establishment/ Conduct of Rules, Disciplinary cases, MACP Grant, Leave & Pension/ Welfare of Staff/ Transport and Vehicle. 

Office Superintendent: – There are two Superintendents in the Directorate to assist overall smooth functioning of the Office. 

a) One Office Superintendent looks after General Establishment under the Supervision of Registrar.

b) Another Office Superintendent looks after all Account matters under the Supervision of Accounts Officer.

Accounts Officer:- Accounts Officer is deputed from Directorate of Treasuries and Accounts. He looks after the accuracy of Financial/ Budgets and all Accounts related matters in the Department. The Accounts Officer is in-charge of Audit Objection/ PAC/ Finance Commission and C & A.G .report, matter relating to appropriation account, Auditing, passing of Bills and Arrears/ Maintenance of Group D GPF, etc.

Assistant Superintendent:- There are three Assistant Superintendents in the Directorate.
          a)  One Assistant Superintendent is responsible for all matters relating to Centrally Sponsored Scheme NLRMP/ Building & Department Land, House Rent.
          b) Another Assistant Superintendent looks after all matters relating to Appointment, Creation of post, Transfer & posting, Confirmation of Temporary post, permanency, retirement, Govt. notification.

          c) The third Assistant Superintendent is in charge of all matters relating to District Plan Sub-division Planning & Development, allotment of Govt. Quarters, transport, Assembly questions, training NEC matter & Stationary and furniture. 

Stenos:-   The Stenos in the Directorate help Officers in handling Official matters including Confidential Letters and Documents.

UDA / LDA :-  The UDA/LDA in the Directorate are assigned with particular Works in Establishment, Accounts and all Office matters. Each UDA/LDA is held responsible for their own assignment. 

Typist:-   Typist cum-Computer Assistant is responsible for all Typing of Official correspondence. 

Drivers :- Drivers are attached to Officers who are entitled for Government Vehicle, they are to take care of the Vehicle and perform their assigned duties. Drivers are responsible for safety and security of Government Vehicles.

Office Peons:- Office Peons are responsible for taking Files from one Officer to the other and attend to the call of the Officers.



District Land Records & Survey Officer heads the District Land Records and Survey Offices in all the Districts. They carry out Departmental works and assist the District Administration in all the Technical matters relating to Land Settlement, Land Records, Land Acquisition and Requisition.


When a Survey party is detailed for Survey work of a particular Administrative Headquarter or Government Pocket Land, the Survey Party goes for recce for Technical Planning after the concern Administrative Officers issue clearance regarding the Boundaries and the status of the Land. A notification to this effect is Notified inviting claims and objection on the basis of forecast Report to be submitted to Government through the concerned Deputy Commissioner. After the completion of all this formalities, the actual Survey work begins. Normally there are two stages of Survey e.g., Traversing and Detail Survey.Traverse Survey is to provide control point on the ground to enable the Plain Tabler to carry out consequent Detail Survey. After completion of the first stage the Detail Survey works resume by showing different layers/ground information and then construct Land Records of each Land holdings.