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Bye Law of the society

Name of the society Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Nagaland (SCRAN) Area of operation The area of operation of Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture will be the eight districts of Nagaland and any...


1.1 Annual Workplan & Budget 2018-19 1.2 Annual Workplan & Budget 2018-19 2.1 Annual Workplan & Budget 2018-19 2.2 Annual Workplan & Budget 2018-19 3.1 Annual Workplan & Budget 2018-19


COMMUNITY PROCUREMENT DRAFT RFP FOR INTERNAL AUDIT 2019-20 Report on the “Round Table on Sustainable Management of Jhum in North East India” -21,22 November 2017 (Click to Download) SUMMARY OF START-UP WORKSHOP: 14-19TH JANUARY 2019...


The project will have three components: (i) Improved jhum management (ii) Value chain and  market access (iii) Project management and knowledge services.   Improved Jhum Management The project intends to introduce agricultural interventions by...


The overall goal of the project is to increase agricultural income of 201,500  households, and to enhance their resilience to climate change. This would be achieved through the  development objective of increasing the environmental...

About Us

Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming Systems in the Northeast  (FOCUS) Nagaland  is  one  of  the  eight  states  in  the  North  Eastern  Region (NER) of India, a  biodiversity  hotspot  where climate  change adaptation  is of...