About us

Last updated on: October 31st, 2021 at 07:23 am

The Department of Higher & Technical Education came into existence on 1st May 1983. Prior to this it was a constituent of the erstwhile Department of Education which comprised of all the various wings of Education. From 1st October, 2004 the Technical Education was further detached from Higher Education to be remerged back with Higher Education during 2009 although at the Directorate level it continues to function separately.

The Department is responsible for evolving general policy of Higher Education in the State. It liaises with the Ministry of Education (formerly Ministry of Human Resource Development), Department of Higher Education. The Department is further concerned with perspective planning and policy formulation for Collegiate Education, for which co-ordination and consultation with University Grants Commission, the Nagaland University and other Universities in the country are required.


  • The National Policy on Education 1986 states that Education is a unique investment in the present and the future. The aim of Higher Education according to this policy is facilitating the process of national development through its manifold tasks of generation, dissemination, utilization and expansion of knowledge.

Objectives :

  • The objectives of Higher Education is to foster the spirit of national integration, international understanding and social responsibility, encouraging scientific temper, instilling innovative and creative thinking among students etc.

Vision :

To realize the State’s human resource potential to its fullest in the higher education sector with equity, inclusion and excellence


  1. To provide greater opportunities of access to higher education to all eligible persons and in particular to the weaker sections of the society.
  2. To expand access by supporting existing institutions, initiate policies and program for strengthening research and innovations.
  3. Develop skills of the youth and promote quality of higher education, academic reforms and improving governance