Establishment Section
1. Basic background of the section.
The establishment section is under the Administration wing of the department, it consist of 42 (forty two) member’s. One Registrar, four superintendents, five Asstt. Superintendents, six UDA (Upper Division Assistance), twenty LDA (Lower Division Assistance) and six Typists. This section works is co-ordination with the entire wing in charge in the department etc.
2. Various units of the establishment section.
There are five units of the establishment section. Establishment section, Account section, Purchase & Vehicle section, store section and technical section.
3. Activities.
The duties and function of the establishment section. The section is the centre of working system in the department. All files are emanating from the establishment section. Registrar is the over all in charge of the establishment section and all the matter assign to establishment section are under the knowledge and controlling of the Director.
Photos of Establishment Staff