VENUE           : Community Hall, Chudi Village

DATE              : 22nd October 2022

TIME              : 10:00 AM

TRAINEES     : SHG beneficiaries of the Springshed Programme

TRAINERS     : Shanchobeni Humtsoe (Hort. Inspector) and Ruth Humtsoe (Hort. Extension         Asst), Department of Horticulture Wokha

With the objectives of skilling up and building capacity for the women SHG and beneficiaries of the Springshed Programme a one-day training was conducted on Food Processing and Value addition of local fruits and vegetables.

The District Project Officer of Land Resources Wokha, Puthutso Natso, delivered a short speech and wished the participants to augment their incomes by manufacturing value-added products with the help of the knowledge they have received from experts. 

Seeing in the picture is the resource person Shanchobeni Humtsoe

The trainers stressed on the glut production of fruits and vegetables in peak season that large quantities of local fruits and vegetables go wasted due to their ignorance of the methods applied in food processing. As there is a vast scope and significance in the food processing of local fruits, the trainers imparted detailed knowledge on the techniques, processes involved, and use of spices for preservation, packaging, and labeling for marketing their finished products. 

Participants preparing Pickles
Participants making Ginger Candies

Ruth Humtsoe gave hands-on training in pickle preparation with local chilies, brinjal, bamboo shoots, and king chili. The trainees later learned from the trainer Shanchobeni Humtsoe how to make candies with Ginger, Papaya, and pineapple. Altogether 20 trainees attended the training.   


VENUE           : Project Area, Shonglam

DATE              : 2nd to 3rd November 2022.

TIME              : 11:00 AM

TRAINEES     : Tea Growers (NABARD Beneficiaries)

TRAINERS     : Popan Khanikar & Komol Agarwal, Khowang Tea estate Dibrugarh

Resource Person interacting with the trainees

DAY 1: A brief inaugural program was organized and was followed immediately by a technical session. The main objective behind conducting the training was to equip them with the knowledge of proper plantation and management of Tea.

During the technical session, the trainers shared an overview of tea plantations in Assam and the Tizit area under the Mon District. Besides, they also imparted knowledge of their experience in nursery management. They further conveyed that there would be Tea Factories soon in their vicinity. As a result, this will pave the way for livelihood upliftment and production enhancement. 

Site visit to the Tea Plantation sites.

DAY 2:  The second day was a site visit to the Tea Plantation sites. The trainees examined some plants affected by pests that were common in the area. The importance of having shade trees and market outlets were a few subjects discussed as well.  

A total of 20 trainees attended the training besides the Village Council members, GBs, and Springshed committee members.


VENUE           : DB Court Hall, Chesezu Village

DATE              : 26th October 2022

TIME              : 9:30 am

TRAINEES     : Tea Growers

TRAINERS     : Vepalu and Khwewutsou (Entrepreneurs), Phek Town

Resource Person speaking during the Inaugural Programme

The Training was mainly organised for those few who could then become the master trainers in the village with an objective of uplifting the economy of the project beneficiaries whereby the locally plentiful raw materials like bananas could be brought into play through the power of value addition for sustainable livelihood in the village.

The Introductory formal session saw the active participation of the Village leaders from different organisations and associations besides trainees. Village Women Society, Chairperson and the Chairman of the Village Council urged and encouraged the trainees to be an atom of self- improvement, have entrepreneurial zeal, and be a catalyst in the field of economic development.

Hands-on training
Packing the finished products

All throughout, the trainers focused on two key points: – Starting Small and Going Local because starting small was the need of the hour to bring about sustainability in the rural economy. Subjects on ‘Identification on the availability of the varieties of banana for practical viability and customer satisfaction’ and ‘Market Avenue’ were discussed during the practical session. 

Trainees with Resource Persons

Trainees have made a decision to reutilize the village marketing sheds in and outside the village which were lying unused mainly for sale of their finished products i.e., Banana Chips. The Training significantly focused on the whole process of Banana Chips Making from Banana finger peeling till packaging. Altogether 21 participated in the Training.


VENUE           : Council Hall Lukikhe

DATE              : 3rd November, 2022

TIME              : 9:30 Am

TRAINEES     : Women Folk

TRAINERS     : Dr. Sosang Longkumer (Director), Konger Agritech, Dimapur

In order to promote the economy of local rural people of Lukikhe Village in particular, training on SHIITAKE MUSHROOM cultivation was organised. The reason being:

  1. Micro-climatic condition of the district is quite suitable for the growth of Shiitake Mushroom.
  2. Raw material (Alder Tree) is widely available.
  3. Alder tree is a fast-growing tree.
  4. While cutting the tree, pollarding can be encouraged, and as a result, after every 4-5 years, we can harvest the same tree thereby, shiitake mushroom cultivation can take place on continuous process.
  5. Shiitake is a high valued mushroom.
Smt. Mhashumi Ezung speaking to the participants

The Inaugural function was attended by Smt. Mhashumi Ezung EAC Aghunato as Special Guest.  In her speech, she lauded the Department & NABARD and encouraged the farmers to take maximum benefit of the Programme. Earlier the programme was chaired by Qhenito WDT LRD Zunheboto and Key note address was delivered by Shri. V.Vikugha Sema.

Briefing the participants on the objectives of shitake mushroom cultivation.
Drilling holes on logs to prepare them for shitake cultivation.

The trainer provided hands-on training, and given a demonstration on how to best use locally available forest products such as branches and small logs to cultivate shiitake. Participants were taught how to inoculate shiitake spawn into the log. 

Inserting Shitake spawns inside the holes

For the participants, the training was a good opportunity to learn how to grow shiitake on logs. The training proved successful with active participation of the traineesthroughout the daylong. Altogether 24 participated which included GBs, Village Council Committees.


CEO, SLNA & Director

Land Resources

Nagaland: Kohima