Awareness & literacy

Posted on: December 3, 2018

Nagaland State Legal Services Authority through its District Legal Services Authorities undertakes various Legal awareness and Literacy Programmes to educate people and make aware of their rights and various modes of activities are carried out to ensure visibility of the existence and availability of the legal services institutions. Nagaland State Legal Services Authority is also engaged in conducting seminars, Orientation Programmes, Workshops, visitation to Jails, observation Homes, orphanage homes, special Homes, rehabilitation centers carrying the message of availability of Legal Services institution and Access to Justice for all. Door-to-Door Campaign, awareness camps, setting up Legal Services Stall, free distribution of legal literature pamphlets; telecast in Doordarshan programmes, broadcasting through All India Radio are also organised for spreading awareness. Production of short documentaries, street plays, observation of commemorative days,   programmes for school children on legal issues; various competitions like painting, essay writing, debates and declamation etc. on legal issues are conducted for dissemination of Legal Services message. Internship programmes are taken up for law students to promote and induct the law students on the role and importance of legal services activities.