Lok Adalats (Peoples Court):

Posted on: December 3, 2018

Apart from carrying out Legal Services Activities and Programmes, Nagaland State Legal Services Authority is also the implementing Nodal Agency vested with the jurisdiction to organised and conduct National Lok Adalat (Peoples’ Court). The Nagaland State Legal Services Authority conducts Lok Adalat at regular intervals in the State. The District Legal Services Authority in the respective District Headquarter constitutes Lok Adalat Bench comprising of Presiding Officers & Conciliators. Lok Adalat is a system which resolves and settles disputes by methods of direct talks between the litigants or Parties amicably. This system of Lok Adalat is affordable and justice delivery here is quick and effective. There is no court fee payable when a matter is filed in a Lok Adalat. The Lok Adalat mechanism achieve its outcome with certain elements involved such as participation, fairness, expectations, voluntariness, neighborliness, transparency and lack of animosity.

Lok Adalat also has an impact on reducing the pendency of cases in the Courts as many of the cases related to disputes are disposed of by settling the matter amicably. Lok Adalat has benefited the citizens all across the State with the   privilege of settling their disputes at free of cost.

The following types of cases (pre-litigation and pending) may be taken up for settlement in the aforesaid National Lok Adalat:

Pre-litigation Case

(i)          NI Act cases under Section 138;

(ii)         Bank Recovery cases;

(iii)        Labour disputes cases;

(iv)        Electricity and Water Bills (excluding non-compoundable)

(v)         Others (Criminal Compoundable, Matrimonial and other Civil disputes)


  Pending Case

(i)       Criminal Compoundable Offence

(ii)      NI Act cases under Section 138;

(iii)     Bank Recovery cases;

(iv)     MACT cases;

(v)      Labour disputes cases;

(vi)     Electricity and Water Bills (excluding non-compoundable)

(vii)    Matrimonial disputes;

(viii)  Land Acquisition cases;

(ix)     Service matters relating to pay and allowances and retiral benefits;

(x)      Revenue cases (pending in District Courts and High Courts only);

(xi)     Other civil cases (rent, easmentary rights, injunction suits, specific performance suits)etc.


Schedule for National Lok Adalat to be held in the year 2018 is as under;


Sl. No. Date for Holding of National Lok Adalats
1. 10th of February, 2018.
2. 14th of April, 2018.
3. 14th of July, 2018.
4. 8th of September, 2018.
5. 8th of December, 2018.