Door-to-Door Campaign
Posted on: December 3, 2018The first “Door-to-Door Campaign” was launched on 2nd Novemebr, 2016. Henceforth, every year Nagaland State Legal Services Authority through its District Legal Services Authorities mobilize Panel lawyers and Para legal Volunteers in various parts of Villages across the States to undertake the campaign exclusively targeting villages in the State.
In “Door to Door Campaign”, Nagaland State Legal Services Authority reach out to every possible household and people living in the rural areas of the State. The Panel Lawyers & trained Para legal Volunteers carrying the message of Free Legal Services and spread awareness on the availability of benefits and entitlement for the weaker sections.
Seventy five percent of the population of Nagaland lives in the rural areas. There is a complete absence of awareness on the rights and entitlements even among the literate people. People in rural Nagaland lack capacity building and are deprived of opportunities and resources. Reaching out to the downtrodden citizenry in their own doorsteps is one way, Legal Services Institution intends to implement for making a greater impact on meeting the Legal needs and Justice service to the poor and marginalized people. We feel that such initiatives and steps of promoting legal literacy will bring dramatic changes in the values, lifestyle, and social setup of the people living in rural areas.
Despite launching intensive drive for Legal Awareness, Seminars, Literacy and workshop programmes over the past few years, visibility of the existence of Legal Services Institutions and availability of free Legal Services to the masses in the rural areas remains a major challenge to be curbed and overcomed in the State. An approach and initiatives like “Door to Door Campaign” is absolutely necessary and is expected to achieve milestones towards the constitutional goals of empowering the disadvantaged people with sufficient knowledge, basic Legal literacy, accessibility on key information of various Government Schemes and awareness on various constitutional provisions & legislation.
For Legal Awareness & Literacy as well as educating people on how Legal Services can facilitate the people to get their entitlements under various laws and schemes of the Governments, “Door to Door Campaign” is probably the best & effective approach to achieve the desired objectives. Legal Literature Booklets, pamphlets, flyers, leaflets in sixteen Naga Tribal dialect are distributed at free of cost to the masses during the Door to Door Campaign.
Panel lawyers and Para Legal volunteers reaching out to common man in their own doorsteps gives a personal and human touch to the people they encounter. This gives a better opportunity for the Legal Services Institution to build a relationship with the weaker people at grassroots levels and leave behind a memorable impression on availability of Legal Services institution for their assistance and help. It also give the Panel lawyers and Para Legal volunteers engaged in the campaign to get in touch, to see the reactions on the common man, learn and observe their actual legal needs, Legal issues faced by village people at grassroots level in the real world.