About Mid Day Meal in Nagaland

The  Department has been implementing  MDM scheme since  1995. Since  its inception  norms and guidelines were revised from time to time. For effective implementation    of the Scheme  , Implementation     Manual was developed incorporating the  revised  norm such as Safety guideline  issued  by GOI, a management  structure at all levels, roles and responsibilities,  record and report to be maintained at all levels.Structure at various  levels  is as follows:

A. Directorate:

  1. Administration
  • Director(SchoolEducation)   : Ex-OfficioNodalOfficer
  • One Joint Director : Addl. ProjectDirector
  • One Deputy Director : JointProjectDirector
  • One Assistant Director : DeputyProjectDirector
  1. Finance and Accounts
  • Finance Controller : SeniorAccounts  Officer(DOSE)
  • Accounts Assistant  : 1(one)ondeployment
  1. Planning, Implementation, Supervision,  Monitoring &MIS
  • Coordinator : 1 (one) Monitoring  & Supervision
  • Coordinator  : 1(one)Planningandlmplementation
  • Coordinator  : 1(one)  MIS (on contractual  basis)
  1. Supporting Staff
  • Computer Operator  : l(one) on deployment
  • Office Assistant : l(one) on contractual
  • Office Attendant  : l(one) on contractual

B. District Education Office:

  1. District Education Officer
  2. Junior Education Office
  3. MIS Coordinator(to be  assigned by the  DEO)
  4. Accounts Assistant (to be assigned  by the  DEO)

C. Sub Divisional Education Office:

  1. Sub-Divisional Education Officer
  2. Junior Education Officer
  3. MIS Coordinator(to be assigned by the  SDEO)
  4. Accounts Assistant (to be assigned  by the SDEO)

D. School Level Procurement  and Tasting  Committee:

  1. VEC with one School
  • Chairman of the VEC   : Chairman
  • One Member from  among the members  of  VEC/SMC  on rotation basis    :Member
  • Member Secretary of VEC   : Member Secretary
  1. VEC with more than School
  • Chairman of the VEC : Chairman
  • One Member from among the members of  VEC/SMC  on rotation basis   : Member
  •  Head of the  Institutions   : Member Secretary

State Level Sensitization programme on the ‘Implementation  Manual’ was  held on 16 of September 2015 at Zonal Council  Hall Kohima. Sri  F.P.Solo,  Commissioner   & Secretary gave the key note address.  Discussion and interactions on the Manual was led by Shri Zaveyi  Nyekha, the then  Director,  School  Education”  Shri Chonpa, Deputy Project  Director  MDM chaired the  programme.

The Department also developed  registers for  maintenance  of various records – Meal served & Tasting, Stock and Consumption  and Cash book. Sensitization programme for Village  Education  Committee,  Head of the  Institution and Cook Cum Helper was  held  from  middle of October 2015  to the  1″ week  of November  2015.  Officials and staff from the Directorate  visited  SDEO sensitization  programme  as observers.  Training manual and registers were distributed  to all the implementing agencies. Topic on Health, Safety Measure  and preparation of hygienic food were imparted by Doctors expert  in food and hygiene.  Sanitation  awareness,  role and responsibilities of VEC and schools, records keeping,  reporting  and  maintenance  of accounts were covered.

The Hon’ble Governor,  Shri. p.B. Acharya,  along with his lady wife created  history when he voluntarily joined  30 school children  in the classroom  to partake mid  day  meal at GPS KhonoThevo,  Khonoma village,  Kohima  district. The served  meal was   in the form  of rice, dal and organic  squash and the Governor seemed to have enjoyed  it.



The Interactive Voice  Response System (IVRS) for teaching  the implementation  of MDM will be introduced from  2016-  17, if approved by Ministry of Human Resource  Development.


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