a) Assembly Committees are the miniature House. They have been caned the workshop of the House. Much of the Work in every Legislature is done through the Committees.
b) The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Nagaland legislative Assembly provide for the constitution of the following Committees.
- Committee on Public Accounts
- Committee on Estimates.
- Committee on Public Undertakings
- Business Advisory Committee
- Committee on Petitions
- Budget Committee
- Committee on Privileges
- Committee on Subordinate Legislation
- Committee on papers lay on the Table.
- Committee on Government Assurance
- Rules Committee
- House Committee
- Library Committee
c) The first three committees, namely Committee on Public Accounts, committee on Estimates and Committee on Public Undertakings are known as Financial Committees of the House and the rest of the committee are known as Non-Financial Committee of the House. The financial Committees are elected by the House according to the principles of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. The Non-financial Committees are nominated by the speaker. The life of all Committees is for one year.
d) The House may also constitute ad hoc Committees like Select committee on Bills for specific purpose. Such Committee became functus officio when they have reported on the matters referred to them by the house.
e) The Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly provide for procedure to be followed by these Assembly Committees generally. The above rules also provide for the composition and function of each Committee.
f) The Assembly Committees had framed its Internal Working Rules which were laid on the Table of the House on 29th March 1971. In the case of Select Committee on Bills, which are the ad hoc Committees, the Speaker had issued directions for regulating their detailed working.
g) Meetings of the Assembly Committees are not open to public. As per Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Nagaland Legislative Assembly the sittings of a Committee shall be held in private.
h) Minutes are not accessible to the public. As per Rules of Procedure and conduct of Business in Nagaland Legislative Assembly no part of the evidence, oral or written report or proceedings of a Committee which has not been laid on the table shall be open to inspection by anyone except under the authority of speaker.