Red Ribbon Clubs



Red Ribbon Clubs (RRC)
The purpose of Red Ribbon Club formation in colleges is to encourage peer-to-peer messaging on HIV prevention and to provide a safe space for young people to seek clarifications of their doubts and on myths surrounding HIV/AIDS. The RRCs also promote voluntary blood donation among youth. About 14,000 clubs are functional in India and are being supported for these activities.

The targeted Youth population (15-29 years) is amongst the most vulnerable population who may be exposed to HIV infection, and as a result they may, account for a large portion of the infected persons.

Through Red Ribbon Clubs, the targeted Youth are encouraged to learn about safe and healthy lifestyle. The RRCs promote and channelize, access to information on HIV/AIDS, further educating them about Voluntary Blood Donation and safe sexual behaviours. Red Ribbon Clubs also aim to enable the targeted Youth to become more conscious about HIV/AIDS and related issues to further act as change agents in the HIV/AIDS programme.

Aims and objectives of RRC

  • To harness the potential of the youth by equipping them with correct information on HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support and Treatment
  • To build their capacities as peer educators in spreading messages on positive health behavior in an enabling environment
  • To reduce new HIV infection among youth by raising their risk perception through awareness on HIV/AIDS
  • To induce among youth, the spirit to help and support PLHIV, thereby reducing stigma and discrimination
  • To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and be the agents of change by developing their skills on leadership, negotiation and team building.

Strategies of RRC

  • Awareness campaigns
  • Leadership training as peer educators
  • Intra and inter college/university competitions
  • Organizing various HIV related programmes, seminars and competitions
  • Planning and implementing outreach activities for HIV awareness etc.


RRC in Nagaland

On the 3rd of August, 2006, under the initiative of the former Hon’ble Governor of Nagaland, Shri Shyamal Dutta, the Red Ribbon Club programme was launched in the state. This day marked a milestone in the continuing fight for HIV and AIDS. Currently, there are 77 existing Red Ribbon Clubs in various Colleges/Institutes throughout the state.

Role of RRC

Red Ribbon Clubs are not bound to perform a set of duties or functions. However, some roles expected of them are:

  • LEARN:
  • The facts of HIV and AIDS
  • About self responsible behaviour
  • About services available (from testing to treatment)
  • Life skill development

  • The truth about HIV and AIDS with their peers
  • Encourage those involved in risky practices to avail services(eg. Refer a friend who uses drugs to one of our Drop-in-Centres for Drug Users)
  • Carry out educational campaigns related to HIV and AIDS.
  • Encourage others to attend lifeskill development programmes
  • Choose abstinence or practice safe sex behavior. Remember, true love waits!
  • Get tested for HIV, Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

  • ACT:
  • Coordinate with college authority, for health awareness generation.
  • Volunteer during Health camps or campaigns.
  • Observe and participate in events such as:
  •        National Youth day – 12th January
  •        International Youth Day – 12th August
  •        National Voluntary Blood Donation Day – 1st October
  •         World AIDS Day – 1st December

Wanna Join?

If you want to be a member of the Red Ribbon Club, you can:

  • Check with your College authority for membership. If it exists, the Nodal Officer for RRC will help you enroll.
  • If your College has not formed one yet, request them to initiate one. (Contact the Nagaland State AIDS Control Society, for details)

What Next?

Red Ribbon Club (RRCs) can:

  • Collect free IEC materials on HIV and AIDS messages related to youth and blood donation from service centres under NSACS
  • Read up on the facts and myths of HIV, HIV testing etc;
  • Hold RRC group discussions on HIV and AIDS, Stigma, Importance of HIV testing etc (make sure you don’t do it during class hours!)
  • Conduct HIV awareness sessions in your College
  • Keep a record of your activities (picture, write-ups)
  • Share what you have been doing. Email us at nagalandsacs[AT]gmail[DOT]com or iecnagalandsacs[AT]gmail[DOT]com

Be an agent of change……

Join the Red Ribbon Club in your College!

Learn about Youth & HIV.

Share what you learn…..

Stay safe!


1 Nagaland Dimapur Tetso college contact[AT]tetsocollege[DOT]org
2 Pranabananda women’s college Dimapur  pranabananda_wc[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
3 Immanuel College immanuelcollege797112[AT]gmail[DOT]com/ reshma.thakuri[AT]immanuelcollege[DOT]in
4 SD Jain College agaam.deb[AT]gmail[DOT]com
5 C-Edge College[AT]gmail[DOT]com
6 St. John College stjncollege[AT]gmail[DOT]com
7 Unity college unitycollegedimapur[AT]gmail[DOT]com
8 Salessian College of Higher Education prinscoladim[AT]gmail[DOT]com
9 Bosco college of Teachers bctedimapur[AT]gmail[DOT]com
10 Trinity Theologogical college kavizhimo[AT]rediffmail[DOT]com
11 Salt Christian college saltchristainbed[AT]gmail[DOT]com
12 Mount Mary college mountmarycollegecmd[AT]gmail[DOT]com
13 Public college of commerce pccdimapur[AT]yahoo[DOT]com/ pradipchak74[AT]gmail[DOT]com
14 Sakus Mission College
15 Dimapur Govt. College dimapurgovtcollege[AT]gmail[DOT]com
16 Golden Crown College crownmusic483[AT]yahoo[DOT]co[DOT]in/Jemimaassumi[AT]gmail[DOT]com
17 Oriental theological seminary principal[AT]otsnagaland[DOT]edu[DOT]in
18 Corner stone college Cornerstonedmp12[AT]gmail[DOT]com
19 City Law College citylawcollege[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
20 City college of ARTS and Commerce City2college[AT]gmail[DOT]com/sorujeetgupta[AT]gmail[DOT]com
21 Yehmi Memorial College kossam1987[AT]gmail[DOT]com
22 Government Polytechnic Seithekema C imkongningsang[AT]gmail[DOT]com
23 M.G.M. College, Midland mgmctedimapur[AT]gmail[DOT]com
24 J.N. Aier College kenzykiho[AT]gmail[DOT]com
25 Christian Higher Secondary School christian.dimapur[AT]gmail[DOT]com
26 Nagaland Kohima Kohima Science College, office[AT]kscj[DOT]ac[DOT]in/ principal[AT]kscj[DOT]ac[DOT]in
27 Kohima College kohima_college_kohima[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
28 St. Joseph College, Jakhama stjosephc[AT]gmail[DOT]com
29 Baptist College baptistcollege[AT]gmail[DOT]com
30 Sazolie College Sazolie_college[AT]yahoo[DOT]com / tetseovetsuzolu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
31 Oriental College orientalcollege[AT]yahoo[DOT]com
32 Govt. Polytechnic College principal_gpk[AT]yahoo[DOT]com/puthuvitsu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
33 State College of Teacher’s Education sctekohima[AT]gmail[DOT]com
34 Modern college Moderncollege-kohima[AT]yahoo[DOT]com/abenla[AT]mck[DOT]co[DOT]in
35 Alder College aldercollege92[AT]gmail[DOT]com
36 Japfü Christian College principal[AT]japfuchristaincollege[DOT]org/visakhonu99viraho[AT]gmail[DOT]com/leenaga[AT]gmail[DOT]com
37 Kohima Law College kohimalawcollege15[AT]gmail[DOT]com
38 Mt. Olive College mockohimaolive[AT]gmail[DOT]com
39 Capital College of Hr. education apang17788lanu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
40 Kohima Bible College
41 Model Christian College info[AT]modelchristiancollege[DOT]org
42 Kros College kroscollege[AT]ymail[DOT]com /  keviyabeinuozatsu[AT]gmail[DOT]com
43 Modern Institute of Teacher Education admin[AT]emite[DOT]co[DOT]in
44 Sazolie College of Teacher Education, Jotsoma Principal[AT]sctekohima[DOT]org
45 Nagaland Mkg People’s College Mokokchung principalpcmkg[AT]gmail[DOT]com
46 Fazl Ali college, Mkg Aolem_pongener[AT]rediffmail[DOT]com
47 Tuli college, Tuli arenmollier[AT]gmail[DOT]com
48 Clark Theological college, Mokokchung ctcprin[AT]gmail[DOT]com / allemlongkumer[AT]gmail[DOT]com
49 Jubillee Memorial College merenla.taro[AT]gmail[DOT]com
50 Information & Communication Technology alipoklkr[AT]gmail[DOT]com
51 Mokokchung College of Teachers Education imtimenjmr87[AT]gmail[DOT]com
52 Nagaland Phek Phek Government College >pgcphek[AT]rediffmail[DOT]com / thoshusie27[AT]gmail[DOT]com
53 Pfütsero Government College, Pfütsero Vevotaluvero[AT]gmail[DOT]com
54 Baptist Theological College, Pfutsero principal1btc[AT]>gmail[DOT]com
55 Nagaland Theological Seminary, Chozuba contact[AT]otsnagaland[DOT]edu[DOT]in
56 Government Polytechnic Tsunazho, Chetheba gptphek[AT]gmail[DOT]com
57 Nagaland Zunheboto Zunheboto Government College zgc1980zbto[AT]gmail[DOT]com
58 Kheloshe Government College Yodyuo[AT]gmail[DOT]com
59 Anderson Theological College
60 Nito Theological College nitoofficesbak[AT]gmail[DOT]com
61 Nagaland Tuensang Sao Chang College scctsg[AT]gmail[DOT]com
62 Loyem Memorial College loyemcollege[AT]gmail[DOT]com
63 Imlong Theological College itctuensang[AT]gmail[DOT]com
64 Oriental Theological College aponganar[AT]gmail[DOT]com
65 Shamator College hanphupa[AT]gmail[DOT]com
66 Govt; Polytechnic Sedem khutsoh22[AT]gmail[DOT]com
67 Govt;  Hgr. Secondary School, Noklak
68 Govt;Hgr. Secondary School, Shamator
69 Nagaland Peren Peren Government College perengovcollege[AT]gmail[DOT]com
70 St. Xavier College > / apalelasushe[AT]gmail[DOT]com
71 College of Veterinary Science & A.H Dramritgogoi19[AT]gmail[DOT]com
72 Nagaland Wokha Bailey Baptist College baileybaptistcollege12[AT]gmail[DOT]com
73 Mt. Tiyi College mtcwokha[AT]gmail[DOT]com
74 Witter Bible College amosttc[AT]hotmail[DOT]com/wbc[AT]gmail[DOT]com
75 Nagaland Longleng Yingli College Ajaykumarchowdhay1964[AT]gmail[DOT]com
76 Nagaland Kiphire Zisaji  Presidency College principalzpc[AT]gmail[DOT]com
77 Nagaland Mon Wankhao College koshykarimankal[AT]yahoo[DOT]in