Two days training programme for Educational Administrators on 17th and 18th January 2020 at SIRD Auditorium Kohima. The programme was attended by the Officers from the Directorate of School Education, DEOs, Sr. SDEOs, AEOs, JEOs and Principals of schools. The focus of the training was on Academic Supervision and Monitoring of schools. The outcome of the training programme, and the usage and purpose of Teacher’s Diary 2020 was explained to the officers of School Education. The Department formulated tools for monitoring of schools.
Training for Educational Administrators (Secondary):
PAB 2019-20 approved an amount of Rs. 1.5 lakh for the conduct of training programme for 60 Educational Administrators.
Two days training programme was conducted for the Educational Administrators 16th and 17th January 2020 at Kohima. 51 educational administrators attended the training program. The training programme was attended by the Officers from the Directorate of School Education, District Education Officers, Sr. Sub-Division Education Officers, Area Education Officers, Junior Education Officers, School Principals and Officials from Samagra Shiksha. Resource persons were from the SCERT and Directorate of School Education who discussed tools for the conduct on Academic Monitoring and Supervision of schools by the education officers.