Media & Community Mobilization

Display of Logo of Samagra Shiksha (SS): A Logo of Samagra Shiksha along with facilities available under Samagra Shiksha such as free text books, free uniforms is to be displayed at prominent place in all school through wall paintings or display board. The logo is yet to be shared with the States and UTs by the erstwhile Ministry of Human Resource and Development. An amount of Rs. 17.69 lakh was estimated for the above purpose @ Rs. 1000/- per school.

An amount of Rs. 8.84 lakh was estimated for Community Mobilization activities @ Rs. 500 per school.

(Rs. In lakh)

Activity MasterPhysicalUnit Cost Financial
Display of Logo of Samagra Shiksha17690.0117.69
Media and Community Mobilization  17690.0058.84
In Lakh Rs.

Secondary: An amount of Rs. 1.45 lakh was estimated for Community Mobilization activities 500 per school.

(Rs. In lakh)

Activity MasterPhysicalUnit Cost Financial
Display of Logo of Samagra Shiksha2910.012.91
Media and Community Mobilization  2910.0051.45
Rs in Lakh.

Media and Public awareness activities (Print Media/ Electronic/Visual Media):

Radio talk shows/jingles   in local dialects in   easy-to-understand conversation on the RTE entitlements was broadcast through All Indio Radio. This was widely published through the print media before the broadcast to garner   larger coverage of listeners since radio is still a primary medium for dissemination of information in most of the rural and interior areas in the State.

F:\Desktop file\GMS Keyake, Kohima\AIR Kohima Childrens' Day Presentation.jpg

Training and meetings of SMC (Elementary)

An outlay of Rs. 53.07 lakh @ Rs. 3000 per SMC per annum was estimated for training of 1769 SMCs. This includes provision for conducting / convening of SMC meetings on a single notified date by the State once in every quarter, incentivizing nominated parents for attending the SMC meeting regularly, uploading of quarterly reports with respect to meetings held and status of the school as per the Mobile App which is being developed in MHRD.

Training and Meetings of SMDCs (Secondary):

A total amount of Rs. 8.73 lakh @ Rs. 3000 per school per annum was estimated for training of 291 SMDCs. This includes provisions for conducting / convening of SMDC meetings on a single notified date by the State once in every quarter, incentivizing nominated parents for attending the SMDC meeting regularly and uploading quarterly reports with respect to meetings held and status of the school as per the Mobile App which is being developed in MHRD.

The following activities were undertaken for creating awareness on RTE and roles and functioning of SMCs/SMDCs:

12360 members were trained across the State and 1696 SMCs and 291 SMDCs were covered

Sensitization Programme for SMC/SMDCs:

State level as well as district level sensitization program   for members of the School Management Committee was conducted   during May to June 2019. The objective of the programme was to sensitise the members on their roles and responsibilities as per the Right to Education Act

A short film on the roles and responsibilities of the   School Management Committee members in local dialect was developed and screened in the training programmes at the State level and district/ block level. The film was developed to stress on the importance of the community in shaping schools with the underlying message to   promote collective responsibility. The film was widely screened and circulated during the district-wise community mobilization training in each block, as well as gained viewership in social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

E:\5. Photos Collection\SSA_2019\Block Level Sensitization of Community Mobilization for SMCs\BILL0730.jpg

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